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Aggressive Dogs and Clicker Training

Webmaster's note:If you don't use a clicker for training, that's okay. Instead of c/t (click), say "good boy" to the dog and give him a little treat.

The way I work is:

* Assess the dog and find out what causes the aggressive behavour

* Find the comfort zone of the dog by going as far away as possible from the cause of the agression to find a comfort zone

* When in the comfort zone, go through introduction of the clicker, if they are not already using it

* When the dog is calm and responding to the clicker and appears "comfortable", walk in a straight line along the comfort zone, c/t for every step if necessary, but lots of c/t - always start with the cause on the right side of the person and the dog on the left - the dog is then further away from the cause and the owner is between them

* When you turn around and go back to your start point, watch the dog for reactions to being closer to the dogs - this is now getting the dog slightly closer and starting the desensitising side of things - if necessary move further out from your start line so the dog gets back to being comfortable

* I repeat this process of walking either around the grounds at this comfort level distance, or backwards and forwards along a straight line until the dog just accepts this as the norm

* Then I slowing start moving the dog closer and closer to the cause, until eventually the dog is no longer sensitive to the cause.

During this process I also teach the owners to start watching their dogs behaviour. Watching for changes in their ear movement, tail position, hackles, walking on its toes etc...all indicators that we are getting too close to the other dogs. As they watch their dog, they start to understand what is the closest their dog can go to the other dogs and walk away if they start to see changes in body at all.

I work through desensitation of the dog and education of the owner of their dog, including the breed typical traits. I much prefer the desensitizing method rather than overloading them (flooding) them, or getting aggressive by using a choke chain, pronged collar or some other method. I have found clicking the most effective way of getting results for the dog and the owners.

Karen Drummond

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