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==================================================== Updated Links -- July 1, 2010


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New Zealand Dog News
World Dog News
Behaviour Quiz
Doggy links
Non-Doggy Sites
Non-Doggy Reading
Doggy Videos
Quotes of the Week
Dog Blog
Thanks to...


Special event on July 1 is Canada's birthday.

Christchurch- Dog Day Out Sunday July 11
Royal Canin Pet Expo - July 31 Aug 1

For a complete view of what's happening around the country, view our Dog Calendar

New Zealand Dog News

  • SPCA welcomes passing of animal cruelty bill
  • SPCA premises 'filthy'
  • Judge rejects explanation for killing cocker spani...
  • Sea slugs returning to Auckland beaches
  • Festival fever snowballing
  • Coastguard rescues sick dog
  • Top dogs converging on Gore
  • Doggy deposits upset new residents
  • Dog's Harbour Bridge hijinks
  • Boy sees burglar kill dog

World Dog News

  • Austrian Dog Licence Discriminates Against Breeds
  • Dogs Trust Slams RSPCA Dog Licence Proposal
  • First ever dog census exercise in city planned
  • New animal experiment guidelines issued for UK
  • Baby mauled by sheepdog at Market Drayton farm
  • Dogs put in a real day's work at the office
  • Over 2,800 mailmen bitten by dogs in US
  • Guide dogs being attacked by fighting pitbull type...
  • Dog left $11m in owner's will!
  • Officer who died while trying to save pet mourned

Behaviour Quiz

What breed is now the most popular (in numbers) in the USA?

A. Golden Retriever
B. Dachshund
C. German Shepherd
D. Labrador retriever
E. Beagle

Last Newsletter Quiz Question:
After hurricane Katrina many pet animals were left behind in their homes when their owners fled or were evacuated. Other dogs manipulated human rescue workers in order to bring about their safe recovery?

True. Rescue workers encountered dogs that actually refused to be rescued and kept pestering the workers until they followed the dogs, who then led them to other pet animals who had been trapped in circumstances which hid them from rescuers.

Doggy links

From Start to Finish, That Dog Made Me a Better Man A nice article about how a husband went to the vet hospital with his wife to witness their dog's passing.

Early Ancestors of Golden Retrievers

Is Being Your Dog's Follower as Important as Being Her Leader? Great article-- try following your dog every once in a while. Just watch her. See what she loves. Listen to her when she tells you she dislikes something or is uncomfortable.

Socializing for Success: Raising a Happy, Confident Dog A nice walk-through of what a dog owner did.

Understanding Your Dog's Blood Work -- Normal Levels & Ranges

Trained dogs helping to aid QC children with autism

Non-Doggy Sites

Unwritten rules of baseball and other sports - Golf

Interview with Jorge Luis Borges , 1976 (Dennis Dutton)

"Solsbury Hill" -- Peter Gabriel (video)

Is this the sustainable city of the future? According to a New York design group, this is how tomorrow's metropolis may look – just don't ask how it will work

Pack rat in the Mouse House In 1970, Dave Smith stepped into the late Walt Disney's office. Forty years on, the archivist's discoveries could stock a museum.

Doggy Reading

More on The Dog Vinci Code: Unlock the Secrets to Training Your Dog by John Rogerson, one of the stars in the galaxy of British positivist trainers (Mugford, Neville, Appleby, et al.). There's some good stuff: Rogerson understand operant conditioning and explains it well. But there's also some very silly stuff -- such as suggesting that Labrador temperament be a general std for all breeds, and teaching your puppy to come when called by leaving him in some big, open space while you hide in your car. I don't know if Rogerson is getting on in years, but the book reads like the maunderings of an old fart who still has a lot of lore, a lot of skills, and also a supply of blather.

Doggie Videos


Coming to America end credits -- Eddie Murphy as an old Jewish man telling the "Taste the soup" joke (video)
[This joke has been a running gag between me and Roseann for many yrs]

Car vs DogWho do you think will win? Watch what happens when the driver of this car dares to honk at a street dog.

Quotes of the Week

The Internet is democracy's revenge on democracy.
-- Molly Haskell

It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself.
-- Gertrude Stein

We praise a man who is angry on the right grounds, against the right persons, in the right manner, at the right moment, and for the right length of time.
-- Aristotle

All good books have one thing in common -- they are truer than if they had really happened.
-- Hemingway

I have come to the conclusion that my subjective account of my motivation is largely mythical on almost all occasions. I don't know why I do things.
-- J. B. S. Haldane

Thanks to...

Geoff Stern for insert in Non-Doggy Reading
Behaviour Quiz- taken from

If you have any interesting links, send them to and your name will be here:)

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