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Doggy links
Non-Doggy Sites
Doggie Videos
Non-Doggy Reading
Quotes of the Week
Thanks to...
Check our calendar for the latest dog events
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Doggy links
Evolution of mondioring (Francis Metcalf) Site/Decoy_Evolution.html
Waccamaw Supply Co. Horse Tack & Working K9 Equipment (NC)
PooopTrap - this is really weird. I wonder if I'll ever see them in use, in real life!
Thoughts on "hunt theory" in search dogs (Susan Martinez) AnotherpointofviewonHuntDrive/ tabid/57/Default.aspx
The year's weirdest animals - you'll be glad to hear that it's not the dog.
Non-Doggy Sites
Chinese pregnancy calendar to predict gender of child --various URLs
all over the Web
* ChinesePregnancyCalendar.html
* www.chinesepregnancycalendar.
Fimoculous list of lists for 2008 review-2008.cfm
[Irresistible -- master index to all those other lists, from various
magazines, Web sites, etc. You can also check the lists going back to
Crunks 2008: The Year in Media Errors and Corrections articles/crunks-2008-the-year- in-media-e
[Don't miss the apology from Dave Barry]
Indexed -- Jessica Hagy's funny cartoons using Venn diagrams
E-mail to cell phone to-sms
Doggy Videos
Canine shoplifter (1:46) CNN- A shoplifting dog leaves store employees scratching their heads.
Orphan Annie Wagging As She Goes Home For Holidays A nice story of a loving little girl golden retriever that
was shot and left for dead. RAGOM , retrieve a golden of Minnesota, funds have been coming in to help defray the cost of
her healing process, somewhere close to $15,000.
A list of webcams in NZ (non-doggie videos)
Non-Doggy Reading
*The Expert's Guide to Doing Things Faster: 100 Ways to Make Life More
Efficient* is the latest compendium of practical wisdom by Samantha
Ettus. It includes, for example, advice on curing a stomach ache by
Crazy Legs Conti, said to be Major League Eating's 11th ranked
competitive eater. (I'm not making this up.) Conti offers a persuasive
endorsement for an Italian digestif called Fernet-Branca. Who knows.
Quotes of the Week
If you want me to believe in God, you must make me touch him.
Winter is the time for study, you know, and the colder it is the more
studious we are.
-- Thoreau, letter
You are so young, so before all beginning, and I want to beg you, as
much as I can, dear sir, to be patient toward all that is unsolved in
your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked
rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not
now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not
be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the
questions now.
-- Rilke, *Letters to a Young Poet*
Take the serious side of Disney, the Confucian side of Disney. It's in
having taken an ethos . where you have the values of courage and
tenderness asserted in a way that everybody can understand. You have
got an absolute genius there. You have got a greater correlation of
nature than you have had since the time of Alexander the Great.
Ezra Pound
A newspaper has three things to do. One is to amuse, another is to
entertain, and the rest is to mislead.
-- Ernest Bevin
Thanks to...
Geoff Stern for providing the links, articles, and quotes.
If you have any interesting links, send them to and your name will be here:)