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==================================================== -- Updated Links -- April 1, 2009

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Behaviour Quiz -- NEW !!
Doggy links
Non-Doggy Sites
Doggy Reading
Quotes of the Week
Dog Blog
Thanks to...


TTouch-- Auckland- If you haven't been to one of Edie Jane's workshop, I would highly recommend it. She shows you how to create your dog's natural calmness by using touch, body position/posture, and a series of 'walks'.

Bark in the Park- Chrsitchurch

Animal Rights Conference- Auckland

For a complete view of what's happening around the country, view our Dog Calendar

Behaviour Quiz

Do older dogs suffer from senility?


Many older dogs begin to show symptoms of the same conditions aging humans experience. Forgetfulness is chief among them. However, there have been scientific investigations published. As usually happens, the condition has been re-titled as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (or condition, as opposed to Old Dog Syndrome).

If you have an elderly pet, try a Google search for the words Senility  Dogs and you'll be fascinated by reading the some, if not all, of the articles are studies.


Doggy links

Canine Hypothyroidism: Frequently Asked Questions Diagnosing and Treating Underactive Thyroid Problems in Dogs

Alternatives to Knee Surgery It is good to know that you surgery isn't the bee all and end all of your dog's knee problem.

Dogs (Not Chimps) Most Like Humans Cooperation, attachment to people, understanding human verbal and non-verbal communications, and the ability to imitate are just a handful of the social behaviors we share with dogs.

Wolf Park has 5 day seminars based on behavior research carried out at the park since 1972.

Free Dog Food -- Purina One


Non-Doggy Sites

Torpedo7 (NZ) Sports equipment online. They also have 1-Day which offers daily specials.

A.nnotate Whenever I receive annotated documents, they always come to me through e -mail, so this means that a series of e-mail messages are sent back and forth. This isn't exactly the best and most effi- cient solution, and that's why A.nnotate is an interesting service.

Music Catch Catch the colourful shapes that appear when the music plays!

BitMeter BitMeter is a bandwidth meter that allows you to visually monitor your Internet connection by displaying a scrolling graph that shows your upload and download speed over time.

PriceSpy (NZ) A site dedicated to providing information on the best deals in cameras, cell phones & computer hardware/software in New Zealand. One has to be quite sure of what exactly they require before beginning to search for items on this site be- cause of the immense amount of information presented one could easily get overwhelmed with it

Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.


Video: 'Wet shoe' problem solved Ever wonder why the top of your shoe gets wet when you walk on a wet surface?

Dog Yoga - have you ever wondered how this is done?

Quotes of the Week

For most men life is a search for the proper manila envelope in which to get themselves filed.
  - Clifton Fadiman

Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
  - G. M. Trevelyan

A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.
  - Robert Benchley

Thanks to...

Geoff Stern for insert in Doggy Reading
Behaviour Quiz- taken from

If you have any interesting links, send them to and your name will be here:)

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