Doglinks.co.nz Newsletter-- Updated Links -- April 17, 2008
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Dog Jokes
Dog News
Doggy links
Non-Doggy Sites
Doggy Reading
Quotes of the Week
Dog Blog
Thanks to...
The Big Paws Out! Free concert & walk for the animals - 19 April
Bio energetic healing course- Blenheim - June 2008
Email Doglinks with your event --------------
Dog Jokes
A dog is truly a man's best friend.
If you don't believe it, just try this experiment.
Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car for an hour.
When you open the trunk, who is really happy to see you! --------------
Dog News
Pedigree killed in flea product mix-up
Victim fights for death-row dogs
SPCA boss in rottweiler row
Dog-less life unimaginable
Dogs catch flu directly from birds, study finds
Help needed to give a priceless gift
Rogue dog kills cats
Great dane a towering celebrity
Dogs rescue woman hurt in fall
To read opinions and to comment, go to:
http://doglinks.blogspot.com/ --------------
Doggy links
Breaking Down the Obedience Exercise
www.canadianshihtzuclub.ca /Articles/Breaking%20Down... .htm
For example, the ROF really comprises seven exercises:
1. Waiting until the handler sends the dog upon the judge's instruction
2. Going smartly to the dumbbell
3. Fast pickup
4. Returning smartly to handler with dumbbell
5. Front
6. Releasing the db on command
7. Finish
Bouncing Back From Injury with Help from Antioxidants & Omega 3 Fatty
www.pethealth101.com/Working _dogs/WorkingBouncing.shtml
www.wickedworkingdogs.com /articlesintervention.aspx
Intervene to keep the dog from persisting in error
Canine Paradigm Shift: Dogs on a Raw Diet
Dogs are carnivores. So why have dog owners been feeding grain-based kibble for the past 50-60 years?
www.dianeschuller.com/dogs_on _raw_diet.html
Melissa Heeter's Frisbee Disc Dog Training
Very accomplished disc dog trainer. Site has some interesting articles
in PDF format www.frisbeedogsonline.com
The Sport of Schutzhund: A Photographic Essay
Coffee-table book of photographs -- looks very nice
www.bjspanos.com/The_Sport_of _Schutzhund.htm
Black Beauties: Flat-Coated Retrievers . Can Hunt, Too
www.gundogmag.com/gundog _breeds/GDblack_1005
Retraining Marking Behavior in Dogs
* www.deesdogs.com/documents /marking%20_2.pdf
* www.uvhs.org/behavioral_docs /retraining_marking_behavior _for_dogs.pdf
Four-on-the-Floor Contacts: Speed, Accuracy, Comfort, and Fun
www.pawsonthewind.com/media /proof_11_12_FourOnTheFloora .pdf
Pat Nolan on puppy training
www.ponderosakennels.com /Puppyobed.hm
Non-Doggy Sites
What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage
www.nytimes.com/2006/06/25 /fashion/25love.html
Originally in the New York Times, 6/25/06. Operant conditioning for
Book: What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love, and Marriage: Lessons for People from Animals and Their Trainers
House Cleaning & Housekeeping Advice, Hints & Tips
Recipe: Pork Tenderloin with Figs, Brandy, and Parsnips
www.culinarycafe.com/Meat _Dishes/FullPage/Pork_Tender _Figs.html
Self-enumerating pangram
www.futilitycloset.com/2006/07 /22/the-quick-brown-fox-2
Reusable Bags -- non-dispo grocery bags, water bottles, etc.
The St. Gabriel Possenti Society
Patron saint of handgunners. I'm not making this up. Now, I'm a 2nd
Amendment absolutist (likewise, the rest of the B. of R.) but this
strikes me as a little weird ---------------
Doggy Reading
Glenda Brown, in one of her excellent articles on retriever training, cites
a book by Mark Rashid about trng horses called Life Lessons from a Ranch Horse ,
which gives six rules that work as well for dogs as for
1. Carry a non-confrontational attitude
2. Plan ahead
3. Be patient
4. Be persistent
5. Be consistent
6. Fix a setback and move on
Quotes of the Week
He who puts out his hand to stop the wheel of history will have his
fingers crushed. -- Lech Walesa
If we wish to count lines of [computer] code, we should not regard them
as lines produced but as lines spent. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
You evidently do not suffer from "quotation-hunger" as I do! I get all
the dictionaries of quotations I can meet with, as I always want to know
where a quotation comes from. -- Lewis Carroll
The next best thing to a good sermon is a bad sermon. -- Emerson
We are all travelers in the wilderness of the World, and the best that
we can find in our travels is an honest friend. -- Robert Louis
Stevenson --------------------
Dog Blog
Avenuek9.com Some nice articles about our canine friend
Thanks to...
Geoff Stern for providing the links, articles, and quotes.
Carol & Wayne for providing the dog joke.
Savanna Jones for providing the Dog Blog link.
If you have any interesting links, send them to natalie@doglinks.co.nz and your name will be here:) |