Doglinks.co.nz Newsletter-- Updated Links -- May 5, 2008
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Dog Jokes
Dog News
Doggy links
Non-Doggy Sites
Doggy Reading
Quotes of the Week
Thanks to...
PURINA Bark in the Park - Christchurch Sunday 4 May MORE>>
Bio energetic healing course- Blenheim - June 2008
Email Doglinks with your event --------------
Dog Jokes
Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.
--Mark Twain.
When a man's dog turns against him it is time for a wife to pack her trunk and go home to mama.
--Mark Twain.
A reasonable amount of fleas is good for a dog; it keeps him from brooding over being a dog.
--Edward Noyes Westcott 1846-1898 American Banger & Novelist.
Dog News
Supreme Court to rule today on sniffer dogs in public places
Danny is dogs' best friend and lifesaver
Dog smells rat on pest-free NZ island
Drought cancels record number of sheep dog trials Opinions split on dog-free reserve
Welcome to the world of Animal Aunts
Pedigree killed in flea product mix-up To read opinions and to comment, go to:
http://doglinks.blogspot.com/ --------------
Doggy links
That Magical Feeling
www.wickedworkingdogs.com /articlesmagical.aspx
Leadership and relationship in training
"Dancing with the Dominant Dog: How to Build a Better Relationship"
Monique Anstee
www.naughtydogge.com/training /dominance.htm
"Body Language in Rally-O" by Marie Sawford
www.dogsincanada.com/Default .aspx?tabid=64&iID=98
[Originally in *Dogs in Canada*, 8/06]
*History of the German Shepherd Dog* by Gordon Garrett
www.grunfeldshepherd.com /articles/garrett/german -shepherd-dog-history.html
The book, online. If you have a high-speed connection, you can download
the whole thing as PDF file, or you can read each of the 23 chapters
A Therapeutic Touch (Amy Bromberg) in Boston MA
Canine massage -- that's for, not by
Alternatives to Knee Surgery
www.pethealth101.com/Working _dogs/WorkingKnee.shtml
Walking the dog:
Strolling (Kay Laurence)
www.deesdogs.com/documents /strolling_on_lead.doc
Let's Go for a Walk-Together! No Pulling Please! (Dee Ganley)
www.deesdogs.com/documents /letsgoforawalktogether.pdf
Non-Doggy Sites
------------------- The Divine Miss Em:
Emily Dickinson Internat'l Society
www.emilydickinsoninternationa lsociety.org
Emily Dickinson Museum, Amherst MA
Recipe: Texas chili
www.simplysoups.com/souprecipe s/Chilis/TexasChili.htm
[No beans]
Saddle up, lock and load:
Cowboy Mounted Shooting Assn
Mounted Shooters of America
Four English words ending in -dous
. http://uk.answers.yahoo.com /question/index?qid=2006102212 5559AALlDdn
. www.straightdope.com/classics /a3_236.html
[Old bar bet -- and high school English teachers' puzzler: Four English
words ending in -dous. Except, it turns out, there are several others,
perhaps somewhat obscure, but still]
Doggy Reading
Ah! Good. A new collection of essays by Jean Donaldson,
Oh Behave!: Dogs from Pavlov to Premack to Pinker .
Some of the essays, most of which are
just a couple of pages long, may have come from her *Dogs in Canada*
column (which is worth the price of a subscription). OK, yeah, I have a
crush on Donaldson, but really she's very deft with turns of phrase and
has a functional sense of humor -- and she's less jargon-y here than in
some of her other books.
Quotes of the Week
My friends are my "estate." Forgive me then the avarice to hoard
them. -- Dickinson, letter
The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time. --
Willem de Kooning
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred
days of sorrow. -- Chinese proverb
I believe I found the missing link between animal and civilized man. It
is us. -- Konrad Lorenz
Permit me, then, my friends, to repeat here what I said two years ago in
the German Bundestag. I come from a people who gave the Ten Commandments
to the world. Time has come to strengthen them by three additional ones,
which we ought to adopt and commit ourselves to: Thou shall not be a
perpetrator; thou shall not be a victim; and thou shall never, but
never, be a bystander. -- Yehuda Bauer
Custom will reconcile people to any atrocity; and fashion will drive
them to acquire any custom. -- Shaw
Thanks to...
Geoff Stern for providing the links, articles, and quotes.
Carol & Wayne for providing the dog joke.
If you have any interesting links, send them to natalie@doglinks.co.nz and your name will be here:) |