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Doglinks .co.nz -- Updated Links -- March 1, 2008
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Doggy links
Non-Doggy Sites
Doggy Reading
Non-Doggy Reading
Quotes of the Week
Dog Blog
Thanks to...
Caninology is bringing the signature 2 day ( May 3-4, 2008 ) Introduction to Canine Massage to NZ for the first time ever!
http://www.caninology.com/info /course.asp?courseid=5
RSPCA Canterbury - free desexing- March and April 2008
http://www. doglinks .co.nz /myforums/viewtopic.php?id=112
Tellington TTouch in Auckland - March, 2008
http://www. doglinks .co.nz /myforums/viewtopic.php?id=108
Do you know of any events?
Put it in our forum http://www. doglinks .co.nz /myforums/index.php
Doggy links
Agility Basics
www.quicksilveragility.org /content/basics
Very nice online introduction
Where is Typical Movement Going in Dog Shows?
http://www.dbarcy.com/article _dog_show_movement.htm
Sheep Sense
http://www.working-border -collie.com/article3.html
What makes sheep behave as they do? There are many factors, but they all basically result from the fact that sheep have limited means of defense from predators.
Why are Jumping Drills So Important?
http://www.frisbeedogsonline .com/?download=Why are jumping drills so important in Dog Sports .pdf
A veterinarian's view on puppy socialization
http://www.diamondsintheruff .com/RKanderson.html
Pangrams -- various collections:
. www.spinelessbooks.com/table /forms/pangram.html
. www.chaos.org.uk/~pdh/string /alphabet.htm
. www.rinkworks.com/words /pangrams.shtm
. www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~ajcd/type /pangram.html
[A pangram is a sentence that uses every letter of the alphabet at least
once. Apple used to use this 49-letter pangram for font samples: "How
razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts."
Articles by Gary Taubes, re-thinking fats and dieting
. www.nymag.com/news/sports /38001
. http://query.nytimes.com/gst /fullpage.html?res=9F04E2D61F3 EF934A35754C0A9649C8B63
. www.junkscience.com/jan01 /saltwars.html
You may have heard about his book, *Good Calories, Bad Calories:
Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Control, and
Disease*, which argues that much of the recent dietary advice --
avoiding fats, eating more carbs, getting lots of exercise -- is
Safe2Pee -- find a public bathroom This can be a challenge in USA whereas in NZ, we are civilised (as a foreigner told me) and have them splattered around.
Nissan Cube -- competes with the Honda Element, Scion XB -- possibly
good dog vehicle
. www.dogcars.com/blog/?p=66
. http://www.autoblog.com/2007 /05/24/another-report-nissan -bringing-over-cube-in-2008
Doggy Reading
Linda Mecklenburg's Developing Jumping Skills for Awesome Agility Dogs collects some of her superlative articles from Clean Run -- I wish the
book had more photographs in addition to the linear graphics, but it's
still terrific.
Patricia Gail Burnham wrote one of my favorite trng books, Playtraining
Your Dog -- I'm told it was meant to be a kind of rebuttal to the
mordant severity of Koehler, et al. That was over 20 yrs ago. Now she
has a revised version, Treats, Play, Love: Make Dog Training Fun for
You and Your Best Friend . When my copy arrived from Amazon.com , I sort
riffled the pages as I walked from the mailbox into the house, and all
of a sudden, I was sitting at the table, still wearing my jacket and
scarf, and reading the damn thing. It's that good. More anon.
Non-Doggy Reading
Batch of language books: Common Errors in English Usage by Paul Brians
( www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors /errors.html ) is another guide to
confusables, solecisms, and troublespots. Very sensible, although some
of the explanations are overly terse and others seem to be very
elementary confusions of homonyms.
Barbara Ann Kipfer's Word Nerd is an enjoyable compendium of unusual
words and oddities about words -- similar to Mrs. Byrne's Dictionary of
Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words . Some entries are
ill-informed. "Alsatian" isn't really another name for the German
Shepherd Dog. It was a name started in the UK during WW1 on the same
principle as, more recently in the U.S., the coinage "Freedom fries."
Also, someone should be beaten about the head and shoulders for printing
this book in a sans-serif font which makes every page look like a sign
in a K-Mart, and for starting each entry in lowercase, which makes you
think there's been a dropped paragraph or page. Conventions in
typography, as in other aspects of life, exist because they make things
And for subway reading, The Faithful Spy by Alex Berenson about an
American spy in Al Quaeda. Seems to be a fairly accurate account of
tradecraft, and decently written.
Quotes of the Week
You've got to take the bitter with the sour.
-- Samuel Goldwyn
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's
just sort of a tired feeling.
-- Paula Poundstone
He wrapped himself in quotations -- as a beggar would enfold himself in
the purple of Emperors.
-- Kipling
The mind is never satisfied with the objects immediately before it, but
is always breaking away from the present moment, and losing itself in
schemes of future felicity. The natural flights of the human mind are
not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.
-- Johnson
No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic
-- Tocqueville, *Democracy in America*
The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us
to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. -- Patrick Young
Dog Blog
Dog Cars Blog
Thanks to...
Geoff Stern for providing the links, articles, and quotes.
If you have any interesting links, send them to natalie@ doglinks .co.nz and your name will be here:) |