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Every Man and His Dog runs for Mayor

media release: http://BlairForMayor.BlogSpot.Com

Every Man and His Dog runs for Mayor. Social Policy commentator  Blair Anderson confirms that this day, the 24th August, registered his candidacy for Mayor of Christchurch. With some ten odd candidates lining up for the governance of one of the finest municipalities in the land, the mayoral race is looking  more like an 'every man and his dog' race.  "I earnestly hope that the 'meatspace' media give some equity to all the good candidates and stop pretending this is the 'Megan and Bob Show'." says the second tilt candidate.

"Mayor Blair" Anderson is the only Mayoral Candidate to be sponsored by a dog. Yes, 'Holmes' who featured on the front page of the PRESS (May 2006) for catching a 'drug' burglar flogging tobacco from the Wainoni Dairy (opp Christchurch's Porritt Park) has, in the interests of full disclosure, contributed to the BlairForMayor election deposit.

Mayor Blair was heard to say in the Cashel Mall on announcing the formal intention to run for the golden chains, that it was "a logical and mutual association to receive such support".

Anderson went on to say "The metaphor of the marginalised dog kept behind high fences and on short leads is the root of a great deal of the social dysfunction across all of New Zealand, no less so in Christchurch."

When Central Government makes the rules, it is often the local bodies who have to pick up the tab and are expected to implement and account for the policy.

As NZ's first candidate sponsored by a dog, Anderson declared his vested interests in community dog policy and announced that "as Mayor" he would move to make the government mandated 'microchips' a life time dog registration. "What does it cost to keep a name on a list, GOOGLE would do it for free!" he said.

Further as Mayoral Candidate he noted that he wasn't even required to give up his birth date to run for Mayor, and further more that along with his offer of giving three years of 'civic duty' to his city, his dog registration would be 150% of what it costs to be a mayoral candidate. "What's wrong with this picture?"

Dog fees have escalated to a revenue gathering tax that on evidence has done little or nothing to prevent serious canine behaviours and continuing bite tragedies. The media moral panic and subsequent baying for blood and inevitably calls for more rules (Some school children now want ALL dogs muzzled) fail to notice that 600,000 plus dogs in New Zealand didn't bite anyone today.

Lifetime licenses for micro-chipped dogs? Why not? We maintain our Electoral Roles via Internet, why can't we be trusted to do the same for our dogs.

We need more socialised dogs.  That's a start.

More on Blair's insightful vision for Christchurch "Smart City, Clever People"

competing interests:

‹(•¿•)›     Blair Anderson
ph (643) 389 4065   cell 027 265 7219

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