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Building Dog Houses

CHECK the HOW TO pages from doglinks for more ideas

by Hilda Hamilton

Grade: Grade Eight area
Subject Area: Math, Science, Computer Skills
Time required: I have a 75 minute class period. This lesson and the evaluative activities would require 2 to 3 class periods.
Materials needed: centimeter grid paper run on colored paper, isometric dot paper, centimeter cubes, bulletin board paper, computer, teacher­made spreadsheet.

Lesson Objectives:

­Students will create polygons with equal areas, but different perimeters.
­Students will evaluate the effectiveness of their polygon creations.
­Students will create rectangular prisms with equal volume, but different dimensions.
­Students will evaluate the effectiveness of their prism creations.
­Students will explore the effect that doubling, tripling, etc. dimensions has on perimeter, area and volume with grid paper and centimeter cubes.
­Students will explore the effect that doubling, tripling etc. dimensions has on perimeter, area and volume using a teacher­made spreadsheet.


­Students have had experience with the concepts of perimeter, area and volume.
­Students have previously drawn polyhedrons on isometric dot paper.
­Students have had experience working with spreadsheets and a desktop publishing program.


­Teacher challenges students to create as many floor plans for a dog house as possible, if they were only told that the dog house must have 10 square feet. (Let 1 cm = 1 ft. on cm grid paper.)

­As students create floor plans, they cut them out and tape them to a piece of bulletin board paper displayed in the classroom.

­Items of discussion should include:
Which floor plan has the greatest perimeter? the smallest?
How many possible floor plans are there?
How can you be sure that you have thought of all possibilities?
What are the advantages to creating a dog house with the smallest perimeter?
the greatest?

­Teacher asks students to write a reflection in their notebook on what they discovered. Is there a way to ensure finding the polygon with the greatest perimeter? the smallest?
­Students pair up to share their reflections.

­In pairs, students are given 24 centimeter cubes. They are asked to create dog houses with a volume of 24 cubic feet (Let 1 centimeter cube =1 cubic foot.)
The dog houses should be rectangular prisms.
Students draw their creations on isometric dot paper, cut out drawings and tape them to another piece of bulletin board paper displayed in the classroom.

­Items of discussion should include: Which prism is tallest? shortest? widest? least wide? How many possible prisms can be created? Are there specific advantages/disadvantages to any of the dog houses?

­Teacher asks students to write a reflection in their notebook on what they discovered. Is there a way to ensure that all possible dog houses have been created with a given volume?

­Students pair up with someone other than the partner they built dog houses with, to share their reflections.

­Teacher chooses one of the dog house floor plans and students redraw it on their grid paper by doubling the length of each side. What happens to the perimeter? What happens to the area? Why does the area quadruple when the perimeter only doubles?

­Teacher creates a dog house with 4 centimeter cubes and asks students to do the same. Teacher asks students to double each dimension of the prism.
What happens to the perimeter of each face? What happens to the area of each face? What happens to the volume of the prism? Why is the volume 8 times as large when the sides were only doubled in length?

­Teacher lets students continue to explore this concept using a teacher prepared spreadsheet. Students manipulate the data to explore what happens when dimensions of a rectangle and a rectangular prism are doubled, tripled, etc.

­In pairs, students develop pattern charts to help others visualize their discoveries.


­Students create other floor plans and structures when given required area or volume (i.e. a dollhouse)

­Using a desktop publishing program, students prepare a report for a "customer", informing them of all the ways to create a certain floor plan or structure and reasons why some would be preferable over others.

­Students verbalize the effect of doubling, tripling, etc. the dimensions of a rectangle or a rectangular prism.

­In pairs, students create a pattern chart that shows their understanding of the effect of doubling, tripling, etc. dimensions of a rectangle and a rectangular prism.

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